I wish I knew your name, Magnum in Motion, New York, 2011
making of “I wish I knew your name”
Fotografia Europea, Reggio Emilia, 2019

The Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka Megalopolis, also called TaiheiyĊ Belt is a unique example of urban agglomeration with an estimated population of over 80 million people. Despite the high number of chances to interact, it seems that society is moving in the opposite direction.
If, in small societies, people have more of an active social role, with multiple connections and greater effect on the community [Eriksen, 2001]; in a larger society some people struggle to communicate with each other, or tend to maintain close contact with only a small number of the closest friends or family members. Some people tend to privilege other communicative systems offered by modern media and communication tools; others have an even more extreme approach.
The purpose of this investigation is to create awareness and highlight the problems that modernization and the rapid changes in the environment create in our lives. Is it still important to be, or feel, part of a group? Do we feel part of the environment? Are we alone in the crowd?
This project was made possible thanks to the Ideastap and Magnum Photos Photographic Award 2010